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Measurement of Attainment and Progress of Learning across Europe

YEAR: 2015 – 2017
PARTNERS: NAACE (UK), Euroface Consulting s.r.o. (CZ), Andragoski Zavod Univerza Velenje (SL), Natsionalen Ucheben Tsentar (BG), JAITEK (ES), The Abbeywood Community School (UK), Stichting Kenniscentrum Pro Work (NL).
MOTIVATION: This project is fundamentally about using innovation in assessment to raise standards based on empirical data. The context is the promotion of transversal and transferable digital knowledge, understanding and skills.  It is contextualised in computing for three key reasons:
[1] Teachers of computing are more likely to take easily to the IT based systems on which the innovation depends. Therefore we can generate the take up needed for impact on institutional change and policy reform.  60,000 pupils taking up the computing baseline test in England is the evidence that this is a viable strategy.
[2] For most 10-14 year olds, computing is a new subject because the emphasis in most schools and countries is on low level, end user-skills in largely desktop bound office applications. We have established partner led demand to transition from this position to teaching more fundamental transferable knowledge and understanding, particularly in younger age groups.  The greater rigour in a computing approach raising attainment more widely through the development of computational thinking which is closely allied to raising standards in mathematics and science through problem based learning in the context of technology rich environments.
[3] Computing is a transversal skill that not only impinges on all areas of academic study but provides for transfer of skills and the life long learning needed in a rapidly changing technological landscape. In places where no formal teaching of computing has taken place baseline assessment enables us to see what children know before teaching and then test afterwards to see what effect the teaching has had as opposed to what the pupils have picked up as general knowledge. This then contributes empirical data to support the importance of teaching to learning and therefore strengthens the profile of the teaching profession and making the knowledge triangle work.  Subjects with well-established formal teaching make control of variables impossible for a scientific approach to the effect of teaching on learning for ethical reasons. This project provides a unique research opportunity that can be exploited in future projects and in higher education and builds progressively on the work of previous projects.
PURPOSE: Other benefits include acting as a focus for the development of OERs (Open Educational Resources), providing progression routes to high quality qualifications that will mitigate against early school leaving by demonstrating recognition and reward for all at differentiated levels, improving employment prospect by raising standards in the fundamental understanding of digital technologies, demonstrating practical ways of reducing costs and providing a sustainable focus for CPD (Continuing Professional Development) by using open source cloud based applications.
1. Partner increased knowledge in the fields of:
 Innovation in schools digital learning, especially computing and technical aspects under-pinning ICT.
Open education resources building on knowledge of open source software and licenses for sharing.
Business innovation and sustainable support for OERs using a so-called ‘fremium’ model and principles of disruptive innovation.
Using statistical methods in "Big Data" to automate comparative progress measures in schools.
EQF, ECVET and EQARF related to referencing the demands of on-line tests.

2.  Provision for schools in partner countries for:
A sequence of on-line tests that can be used statistically to gauge student and school progress in the national and international context.
Establishing nationally representative data on what children know and understand in Computing at different ages.
Diagnostic feedback based on evidence from testing of key weaknesses to be targeted in teaching.
Schemes of work, lesson plans and linked OERs freely licensed to support the tests.
Training and support for teachers in using free on-line mark book, on-line testing, evidence management for coursework including self and peer assessment, formative progress tracking through coursework and certification all fully hosted.
Raising awareness of EU policy for EQF, ECVET and EQUARF related to referencing the demands of on-line tests.

3. Pupils in schools will become:

Much more knowledgeable about what they do and do not know in the field of digital technologies.


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