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YEAR: 2016 - 2018
PARTNERS:  JAITEK (ES), Exponential Training & Assessment Limited (UK), Artevelde Hogeschool (BE), SZÁMALK (HU), INNEO (PL) and PRO WORK (NL).
MOTIVATION: The subject of the project is Flipped Teaching, an innovative method of learning. The project aims to use this innovative method in training

of VET teachers and learners but the Open Educational Resources developed could also be of interest for other target groups such as students in higher education and the 14-16 pre-NEET (Not in Education, Employment and Training) target group as they might also be used for inclusive education and for disadvantageous students.


1. By including entrepreneurship training in educational organizations of countries where this has not been done until now, we are dealing with 2 problems simultaneously in these countries, the unemployment rate and young people dropping out from schools.

2.Trying to change teachers’ methodologies and be able to include active methodologies and new formats of educational resources in their lessons.

PURPOSE: The aim of the project is to promote and use the Flipped Classroom method in education and training of youth. Its innovative approach will be popularized by the project FLIPPING FIRST. The products developed within the framework of the project will be innovative and can be used in a wide range. By creating a Framework to develop Flipped Classroom resources and courses, it will allow personalization and therefore work beneficially on inclusion and disadvantages. 


1. Virtual platform - learning and social environment 

The virtual platform will be the support system for the development of model training courses using the FLIPPING FIRST concept. The platform will also be available for teachers and students who would like to develop their own training course using Flipped Teaching.

2. Development of several templates designs for resources

Video and animation resources, which means developing the script and video itself. All will be offered as Open Educational Resources and may be used by teachers and students. This material will be used for conducting model training courses in each partner country.

3. Development of 6 training courses using Flipped Teaching – teacher training and VET student training

A total of 6 courses will be created, 2 teacher trainings, 2 on the subject of entrepreneurship and 2 on the subject tourism. 

4. Development of promotional video

Video regarding Flipped Teaching which will be an opportunity to promote FLIPPING FIRST and show the practical application of this innovative concept.

5. Research and report on conducting training courses using Flipped Teaching

Research and report on use of the Flipped Classroom methodology aiming to evaluate and validate the use of the Flipped Teaching concept in education. 

6. Handbook on Flipped Teaching 

Handbook containing knowledge, experience and recommendations gained and gathered through the project pilot and collecting good practices and own material of the project partners. 


By making all the resources and courses developed in the project openly accessible using a creative commons license ((by-nc-sa). The results of the project will be maintained and available for everyone interested in this subject allowing e.g. for development of new training courses using Flipped Teaching concept. Other benefits include acting as a focus for the development of OERs (Open Educational Resources), providing progression routes to high quality qualifications that will mitigate against school dropout at an early age by demonstrating recognition and reward for all at differentiated levels, improving employment prospect by raising standards in the fundamental understanding of digital technologies, demonstrating practical ways of reducing costs and providing a sustainable focus for CPD (Continuing Professional Development) by using open source cloud based applications.

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