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Stichting Kenniscentrum Pro Work

‘‘Together it works’’

Stichting Kenniscentrum
Pro Work

‘‘Together it works’’

   ‘‘Together it works’’

WSX Enterprise & Make A Dream Publishing Ltd,

Vsl Zmogiskuju istekliu stebesenos ir pletros biuras ZISPB,
Buyuk Ortadogu Saglik ve Egitim Vakfi BOSEV,
Asociatia Institutul pentru Parteneriat Social BUCOVINA,
Stichting Kenniscentrum PRO WORK



  1. Increased knowledge of partners in the field of:Innovation in schools regarding digital learning, especially computer science and technical aspects focused on ICT. "Open education" based on knowledge of "open source software" and related licenses.Business innovation and sustainable support for the use of OER within a so-called "fremium" model and other principles of innovation.Using statistical methods in "Big Data" comparative progress automated triggering in schools.EQF, ECVET and EQARF with references to requirements of the online tests.

  2. Provisions for schools in partner countries:A series of online tests, which can be used statistically to measure student and school progress in national and international context.Establishment of nationally representative data on what children know and understand in "Computational thinking" at different ages.Diagnostic feedback based on data from testing of key weaknesses in teaching. Work plans and lesson plans linked OER free license to support testing.Training and support for teachers in the use of free online textbooks, online testing, management for courses and progression through courses and certification.Raising awareness of EU policies for EQF, ECVET and EQUARF regarding referencing requirements of online testing.

  3. Students in schools:Much more informed about what they are doing v.w. digital technologies and what they do not know in terms of digital technologies. 

This project is about using innovation in assessments to raise standards based on empirical data. The context is the promotion of transversal and transferable digital knowledge, understanding and skills. It is contextualized with three main reasons:
Computer literacy teachers are more likely to easily understand IT-based systems including contemporary innovation. Therefore, more is needed to generate impact in terms of institutional change and reform of these policies among other teachers. 60,000 students undergo the computer test in England, which is proof that it takes a viable strategy to professionalize this education.
For most 10-14 year olds, computing is a new subject because the emphasis in most schools and countries is low-level and the skills are largely desktop tied to office applications. We have found with partners that teaching more fundamental transferable knowledge and understanding, especially in the younger age groups is needed. Greater rigor in a good computer science approach increases broader reach through the development of so-called ''computational thinking'' closely tied to math and science through problem-based teaching in the context of a technological environment.
''Computational thinking'' is a cross-cutting skill necessary for skill transfer and 'lifelong learning' in a rapidly changing technological landscape. In places where there is no formal computer education, a baseline measurement takes place and allows us to see what children know before this education starts and then through a test we can see what the effect of the education was. This then carries empirical data to support the importance of this education and thus reinforces the importance of the teaching profession and enables what is known as a knowledge triangle. This project provides a unique research opportunity that can be utilized in future projects and in higher education and gradually builds on the work of previous projects.


Other benefits include a focus on the development of OER (Open Educational Resources), which will enable a route to high-level qualifications and will reduce early school leaving. This by demonstrating recognition and reward for all kinds of work in all kinds of fields within digital technologies leading to a positive outlook toward employment.  This way of qualifying also demonstrates a practical way to reduce costs and support a sustained focus on CPD (Continuing Professional Development) through the use of open source cloud-based applications.



(Meting van leerresultaten en -vorderingen in heel Europa).

2015 - 2017

Increased knowledge of partners on:Innovation in schools regarding digital learning, especially computer science and technical aspects focused on ICT. "Open education" based on knowledge of "open source software" and related licences.Business innovation and sustainable support for the use of OER within a so-called "fremium" model and other principles of innovation.Using statistical methods in "Big Data" to bring about comparative progress automated in schools.EQF, ECVET and EQARF with references to requirements of the online tests.

Provision for schools in partner countries:A range of online tests, which can be used statistically to measure student and school progress in national and international context.Establishment of nationally representative data on what children know and understand in "Computational thinking" at different ages.Diagnostic feedback based on data from tests of key weaknesses in teaching. Work plans and lesson plans linked OER-free licence to support testing.Training and support for teachers in the use of free online textbooks, online testing, management for courses and progression through courses and certification.Raising awareness of EU policies for EQF, ECVET and EQUARF with regard to referencing the requirements of online testing.

Students in schools:Much more informed about what they are doing v.w.r.t. digital technologies and what they do not know about digital technologies. 



Three objectives were actively worked on within the network:

Experimental design of a ZZP Care training program (level 3-4) within the two largest regional ROCs in the Rijnmond area and embedding it within both educational institutions and professional practice / care enterprises.

The design and implementation of structural cooperation between the relevant educational institutions, healthcare institutions and entrepreneurs in the healthcare sector within the Rijnmond region for the purpose of knowledge exchange, construction and implementation.

Structurally and actively involve entrepreneurs (self-employed) in the care sector and care institutions in the Rijnmond region in shaping new entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship education.

This project is about using innovation in assessments to raise standards based on empirical data. The context is the promotion of transversal and transferable digital knowledge, understanding and skills. It is contextualised with three main reasons:
Computer literacy teachers are more likely to easily understand IT-based systems including contemporary innovation. Therefore, more is needed to generate impact in terms of institutional change and reform of these policies among other teachers. 60,000 pupils undergo the computer test in England, proving that it takes a viable strategy to professionalise this education.
For most 10-14-year-olds, computing is a new subject, as the emphasis in most schools and countries is low-level and the skills are largely desktop tied to office applications. We found among partners that teaching more fundamental transferable knowledge and understanding, especially in the younger age groups, is needed. Greater rigour in a good computer science approach increases broader reach through the development of so-called "computational thinking" closely linked to maths and science through problem-based teaching in the context of technological environments.
''Computational thinking'' is a transversal skill required for skills transfer and 'lifelong learning' in a rapidly changing technological landscape. In places where there is no formal computer education, a baseline measurement takes place and allows us to see what children know before this education starts and then, through a test, we can see what the effect of the education was. This then carries empirical data to support the importance of this teaching and thus strengthens the importance of the teaching profession and enables what is known as a knowledge triangle. This project provides a unique research opportunity, which can be exploited in future projects and in higher education, and gradually builds on the work of previous projects.



WSX Enterprise & Make A Dream Publishing Ltd, 

Vsl Zmogiskuju istekliu stebesenos ir pletros biuras ZISPB,
Buyuk Ortadogu Saglik ve Egitim Vakfi BOSEV, 
Asociatia Institutul pentru Parteneriat Social BUCOVINA,
Stichting Kenniscentrum PRO WORK

(Meting van leerresultaten en -vorderingen in heel Europa).

2015 - 2017


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