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Stichting Kenniscentrum Pro Work

‘‘Together it works’’

Stichting Kenniscentrum
Pro Work

‘‘Together it works’’

   ‘‘Together it works’’


  • Organizing 6 national try-outs and 1 European vocational competition (expected number of visitors: 100);

  • Creating a basis for the (biennial) recurring Para Skills competitions, with (SW) employees (with disabilities) from 6 different countries;

  • 6-12 SW companies per country will join the Para Skills competitions

  • Approx. 80 candidates (SW employees) from 4-6 different occupational sectors will participate in an occupational competition and will compete during the tryouts and 40 candidates will compete during the international Para Skills Competitions (PSC);

  • All 80 candidates from the PSCs (national and international) will be assessed and will be certified (using the P-Scales);

  • At least 20 assessors in different countries will be trained (train-the-trainer) on the P-Scale method and certification;

  • At least 30 trainers/coaches will be involved in the workshops (exchange and transfer of knowledge);

  • At least 15 employers are involved in the project;

  • One workshop in each partner country (total expected attendance: 20 per country), 1 webinar, creation of a website, brochures, 6-monthly newsletters, and use of social media such as Facebook, Twitter and other media such as television to disseminate the results;

  • Disseminating the results of the project to 20 countries and different target groups (SW companies, employers, policy makers, etc.).

The consortium will develop vocational competitions for people with disabilities;

Increase socio-economic participation of workers with disabilities in a structured and sustainable way;

Improve 'lifelong learning' opportunities for people with disabilities;

Improving the image and stereotypes of disabled workers. Proving that they are reliable and valuable members of the labour force and are eligible not only for sheltered workplaces but also for places in the open labour market;

Reducing the reluctance of mainstream organisations to employ people with disabilities, thereby reducing the gap between people with disabilities and the labour market;

Improving basic and vocational skills of employees with disabilities;

Improving information and communication between the open labour market and people with disabilities;

Further developing the "P-Scale" certification system (UK-accredited assessment and certification of people with disabilities);

Increasing formal certification (ECVET) for people with disabilities with reference to the European Qualifications Framework;

Creating a format for skills competitions as a basis for recurring competitions;

Creating role models for people with occupational disabilities.

Translate already existing ideas for international vocational competitions for those without disabilities into international vocational competitions for those with (mental or physical) disabilities.




2014- 2017

Organizing professional competitions for people at a distance from the labor market.

Stichting Kenniscentrum Pro Work

Skills Netherlands,
Salo+Partner Berufliche Bildung GmbH,
Associazione Nazionale Famiglie degli Emigrati,
Natsionalen Ucheben Tsentar,
Andragoski zavod Ljudska univerza Velenje,
Consulting s.r.o., 


  • Organising 6 national try-outs and 1 European vocational competition (expected attendance: 100);

  • Creating a basis for the (biannual) recurring Para Skills competitions, with (SW) employees (with disabilities) from 6 different countries;

  • 6-12 SW companies per country will join the Para Skills competitions

  • Approximately 80 candidates (SW employees) from 4-6 different professional sectors will participate in an occupational competition and compete during the try-outs and 40 candidates will compete during the international Para Skills Competitions (PSCs);

  • All 80 candidates from the PSCs (national and international) will be assessed and will be certified (using the P-Scales);

  • At least 20 assessors in different countries will be trained (train-the-trainer) on the P-Scale method and certification;

  • At least 30 trainers/coaches are involved in the workshops (exchange and transfer of knowledge);

  • At least 15 employers are involved in the project;

  • One workshop in each partner country (total expected attendance: 20 per country), 1 webinar, creation of a website, brochures, 6-monthly newsletters, and use of social media like Facebook, Twitter and other media like television to disseminate the results;

  • Dissemination of project results to 20 countries and different target groups (SW companies, employers, policy makers, etc.).



Three objectives were actively worked on within the network:

Translate the already existing ideas for international vocational competitions for people without disabilities into international vocational competitions for those with disabilities (mental or physical).

The consortium will develop occupational competitions for people with disabilities;

Increase socioeconomic participation of workers with disabilities in a structured and sustainable manner;

Improve "lifelong learning" opportunities for people with disabilities;

Improving the image and stereotypes of workers with disabilities. Proving that they are reliable and valuable members of the labor force and eligible not only for sheltered workplaces, but also for places in the open labor market;

Reducing the reluctance of mainstream organizations to hire people with disabilities, thereby reducing the gap between people with disabilities and the labor market;

Improving the basic and vocational skills of workers with disabilities;

Improving information and communication between the open labor market and people with disabilities;

Further developing the "P-Scale" certification system (UK-accredited assessment and certification of people with disabilities);

Increasing formal certification (ECVET) for people with disabilities with reference to the European Qualifications Framework;

Creating a format for skills competitions as a basis for recurring competitions;

Creating role models for people with occupational disabilities.



Stichting KenniscentrumPro Work

Skills Netherlands,
Salo+Partner Berufliche Bildung GmbH,
Associazione Nazionale Famiglie degli Emigrati,
Natsionalen Ucheben Tsentar,
Andragoski zavod Ljudska univerza Velenje, 
EurofaceConsulting s.r.o., 

Organize vocational competitions for people distanced from the labor market.

2014 - 2017


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