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EVF Europees Vluchtelingen Fonds

(European Refugees Fund)

Ambassadors in Technique

YEAR: 2002 – 2004


PARTNERS: ROC de Leijgraaf, ROC Eindhoven, SOM (Stichting Kenniscentrum PRO WORK).

MOTIVATION: There stayed many asylum seekers in the Netherlands, awaiting the execution of their stay procedure without further daytime activities. It was therefore necessary to offer them a meaningful daytime activity program.

PURPOSE: Give asylum seekers who stayed in the Netherlands training with the view to let them return with a degree in the metal sector and give them a worthy supplemented with teaching skills to use in their country of origin to be able to lead others and thus they can be an ambassador for the technique sector in their country of origin.


 40 trained applicants, who return with a technical degree to their country of origin and to be ambassadors for technique sector.  

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