Jaitek Tecnología y Formación,
DC Center Dariusz Cegliński,
Stichting Kenniscentrum Pro Work
Survey and SWOT analysis
Student tracking system
Collecting good examples
Develop e-learning patterns and platforms
Deploy developed materials
Publishing website
Presenting good examples for dissemination
Publish project results (online brochure) for dissemination.
Too few opportunities for students with special needs or learning difficulties to pursue inclusive education.
The students receiving inclusive education have the need, that they have the same classroom environment as other students and also share the same educational curriculum, yet they learn slower compared to their peers. These students need special support to learn the same information in the same classes or workshops. Nowadays, e-learning materials are also increasingly used in education. Taking into account their learning pace, it is necessary to use e-learning materials for them, which can be adapted to their learning pattern and speed. In this project, we want to share the good examples of e-learning materials released in different schools and countries of the partner organisations. By using good examples, 16 new e-learning objects, 10 materials for vocational lessons and 6 materials for general lessons will be produced.
2013 - 2015
E-learning in vocational training for students with learning disabilities in inclusive education.
Survey and SWOT analysis
Student tracking system
Collecting good examples
Develop e-learning patterns and platforms
Deploy developed materials
Publishing website
Presenting good examples for dissemination
Publish project results (online brochure) for dissemination.
Too few opportunities for students with special needs or learning disabilities to receive inclusive education.
The objectives of the project include improving engagement and public participation through innovative online modules, providing opportunities for knowledge exchange and discussion in agricultural and engineering education, strengthening the contribution of (MBO) schools to the Green Deal objectives, and enhancing the democratic competences of teachers and students to promote the 'green' transformation of their professions.
Jaitek Tecnología y Formación,
Kenniscentrum Pro Work,
DC Center Dariusz Cegliński,
E-learning in beroepsopleidingen voor studenten met leermoeilijkheden in inclusief onderwijs.
2013 - 2015